fruit growingkupinastetnici kupine
Pests of Blackberries
Blackberry Mite Acalitus essigi Hassan This mite attacks blackberries and raspberries and is commonly found in orchards in Croatia. Affected […]
fruit growingkupinastetnici kupine
Blackberry Mite Acalitus essigi Hassan This mite attacks blackberries and raspberries and is commonly found in orchards in Croatia. Affected […]
fruit growinglijeskastetnici lijeske
Hazelnut Weevil Curculio nucum L. The hazelnut weevil is the most important pest of hazelnuts in Croatia. It causes fruit […]
bolesti lijeskefruit growinglijeska
Brown Rot of Hazelnut Fruit Monilia laxa This disease is becoming an increasing problem in hazelnut orchards, caused by fungi […]
fruit growingogrozdstetnici ogrozda
Gooseberry Moth Zophodia grossulariella Hb. Pest Attacks: Pest Description: Biology and Life Cycle: Damage Caused: Gooseberry Aphid Aphis grossulariae Kltb. […]
fruit growingkupinastetnici kupine
Blackberry Mite Acalitus essigi Hassan This mite attacks blackberries and raspberries and frequently appears in orchards in Croatia. Affected Part: […]
bolesti kupinefruit growingkupina
Purple and Orange Rust of Blackberry Purple Rust (Phragmidium violaceum) and Orange Rust (Phragmidium bulbosum) Both types of rust infect […]
chestnutchestnut pestsfruit growing
Chestnut moth miner Cameraria ohridella Deschke et Dimić This type of pest was discovered in Ohrid, Macedonia and spread rapidly […]
fruit growingnutritional value of peachespeachutility value of peaches
Peach (Latin: Prunus persica […]
establishment and maintenance of a peach orchardfruit growingpeach
Establishing and maintaining a peach orchard requires a lot of careful planning, as the future success of the cultivation depends […]
fruit growingizbor sorata marelicemarelica
Selecting apricot varieties suggests that it might be best to graft apricots onto seedling rootstocks, as they are least sensitive […]
fruit growingizbor podloga za marelicumarelica
The selection of rootstocks for apricots is still not well-defined, which leads to difficulties in cultivating and spreading this attractive […]
fruit growinggnojidba marelicemarelica
Fertilizing apricots requires soil analysis; however, other factors are also very important, such as calculating fertilizer requirements based on soil […]
fruit growinghranjiva vrijednost marelicemarelicauporabna vrijednost marelice
The apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), despite what its botanical name might incorrectly suggest, does not originate from Armenia.The apricot is […]
fruit growingstrawberrystrawberry cultivation systemsstrawberry fertilizationstrawberry harvest
Strawberry cultivation systems Strawberries can be grown in several ways, so there are two basic methods of cultivation: cultivation in […]
fruit growingraising and maintaining strawberry plantationsstrawberry
Position for growing strawberries Lowlands connected to river valleys or their tributaries due to low altitude (up to 200 m), […]
Strawberry (lat. Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is the most important strawberry fruit species for several reasons: it is easily propagated […]
fruit growingselection of strawberry varietiesstrawberry
The choice of strawberry varieties accounts for 50% of successful production. Considering that today there are more than 10,000 varieties […]
fruit growingnutritive value of strawberrystrawberryuseful value of strawberry
Nutritive value of strawberry Strawberry is rich in water (90%), low in sugar (10%), cellulose and fat – it is […]
ecological conditions for growing strawberriesfruit growingstrawberry
The ecological conditions for growing strawberries, as far as the climate is concerned, are that strawberries can be grown in […]
catalog of pear growing productsfruit growingpearpear harvest
Pear harvesting depends mostly on the right selection of the beginning of the fruit harvest. If they stay on the […]
fruit growingpearthe nutritional value of pearsuse value of pears
Pear (lat. Pyrus communis L.) belongs to the pome fruit species together with apple, quince and gooseberry. In plant systematics, […]
Pear pruning is different from apple pruning. Compared to the apple, the pear is characterized by narrower branching angles and […]
choice of position for raising pear plantationsfruit growingmaintenance of pear plantationspearpear irrigationraising and maintaining pear plantationsselection of pear planting materialsoil preparation for pear plantingtime and technique of planting pears
The raising and maintenance of pear plantations largely depends on relatively early flowering in the spring, so that the flowers […]
choice of growing form for pearfruit growingpear
The choice of growing form for pear is similar to that for apple. Pear, like apple, can be grown and […]
a selection of pear varietiesfruit growingpear
Nowadays, the choice of pear varieties is very large. Today, more than 6,000 different pear varieties are grown in the […]
ekološki uvjeti za uzgoj malinefruit growingmalinasadnja malineuzgojni oblik i tehnika sadnje malinevrijeme i tehnika sadnje maline
The cultivation form and planting technique for raspberries begin with determining the rows, which conclude with setting up the support […]
fruit growinggnojidba malinemalinaodrzavajuci rezpocetni rezrezidba malineuzgojni rez
Pruning Raspberries Pruning raspberries is relatively simple. The two-year-old wood that has borne fruit is cut, and the one-year-old summer […]
fruit growingmalinapodizanje nasadapoložajpriprema tlauzgojna armatura
Raspberries thrive best at an altitude of 400 to 800 meters. Proper site selection should ensure good air circulation, similar […]
fruit growingmalinanavodnjavanje malineOBRADA TLAOdržavanje nasada malineprimjena herbicida
Establishing a raspberry plantation consists of several elements, including soil preparation, herbicide use, and irrigation. Growing raspberries is relatively simple […]
berba malinefruit growinghranjiva vrijednosthranjiva vrijednost malinemalinauporabna vrijednost maline
Usable Value of Raspberries Raspberries, along with strawberries, are one of the most significant fruit crops in the berry group. […]
fruit growingizbor sorata malinemalina
Selection of Raspberry Varieties by Fruit Color The most important varieties are considered to be red and black raspberries, but […]