Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Parsley 5 Protection of Parsley from Weeds

Protection of Parsley from Weeds

Herbicide application is essential in large-scale parsley cultivation because weeds begin to emerge before the parsley and grow faster, which can hinder the germination of the parsley or “choke” young crops.

The choice of herbicides and the timing of their application depend on the type of weeds present (broadleaf or narrowleaf, annual or perennial), the size of the weeds, and the type of soil and parsley cultivation method.

Herbicide ApplicationDose per haApplication TimeSpectrum of Action
Carrot, parsnip, parsley, celery, fennel, dill2 – 4 lafter sowing but before crop emergencesuppresses all emerging weeds
Carrot, parsnip3 – 4 lafter sowing before crop emergenceannual narrowleaf and some broadleaf weeds
Carrot, parsnip0.25 – 0.5 lafter sowing before crop emergenceannual broadleaf weeds
Parsley*1 – 2.5 l (4 l)after weed emergenceannual (lower dose) and perennial (higher dose) narrowleaf weeds

Weeds are also controlled mechanically through inter-row cultivation.

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