Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Carrot 5 Weed Control in Carrots

Weed Control in Carrots

On larger areas, chemical weed control is an unavoidable measure, as weeds start germinating before carrots and grow faster, which can prevent carrot germination or “suffocate” the young crop.

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The choice of herbicides and the timing of their application depend on the weed composition (broadleaf or narrowleaf, annual or perennial), weed size, soil type, and carrot cultivation method. Total herbicides can be applied after weed germination but before carrot germination. Weeds can also be mechanically controlled by inter-row cultivation.

Herbicides approved in Croatia and globally for use in crops from the Apiaceae family:

CropActive Ingredientl/ha or kg/haApplication TimeAction Spectrum
Carrot, ParsnipGlyphosate2 – 4 l 1) or 4 – 8 l 2)After sowing and before crop emergenceControls all emerged weeds
Carrot, ParsnipPendimethalin3 – 4After sowing, before emergenceAnnual narrowleaf and some broadleaf weeds
Carrot, ParsnipMetribuzin0.25 – 0.5After sowing, before emergenceAnnual broadleaf weeds
Carrot, Parsley*Fluazifop-p-butyl1.5 (2 – 4)After weed emergenceAnnual (lower dose) and perennial (higher dose) narrowleaf weeds

*Not registered in Croatia for this purpose

  1. In small volume
  2. In larger volume

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