Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Cauliflower 5 Weed Control in Cauliflower Cultivation

Weed Control in Cauliflower Cultivation

In cauliflower cultivation, one of the primary goals is to eliminate weeds and create an optimal water-air balance in the soil. This is achieved through inter-row cultivation and the use of herbicides.

Inter-Row Cultivation and Herbicide Application

The first inter-row cultivation is conducted 3-5 days after planting, followed by subsequent cultivations after each irrigation. Inter-row cultivation continues until the rows close. Weeds in cauliflower crops can be controlled not only through cultivation and hoeing but also with herbicides. Before planting, the soil is treated with herbicides, such as those containing the active ingredients napropamide and pendimethalin. Additionally, a mulch of biodegradable transparent film can be used to enhance soil warming, and if black PE film is applied, the use of herbicides can be avoided.

These practices help maintain a clean crop environment, promote healthy plant growth, and improve overall crop yield.

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