Parsley is almost always sown directly in its permanent location. For later (summer-autumn) cultivation, it is sown in rows or strips on a flat surface, while for earlier spring cultivation, it is sown on raised beds in 4 – 5 rows.
Soil Preparation for Parsley
The primary autumn soil preparation involves plowing to a depth of about 25 – 30 cm. If a later sowing is planned (for autumn consumption and storage), spring soil preparation is also possible.
Soil preparation for parsley depends on the preceding crop and is done with shallow summer plowing after early departing crops and autumn plowing, or one deep autumn plowing after crops that leave the soil in autumn.
Supplementary tillage should ensure a loose surface layer for uniform seed germination. Simultaneous germination ensures uniform plant development.
Crop Rotation for Parsley
Due to its long growing season, parsley is sown as the main crop and does not tolerate being grown in the same spot consecutively; it can only be grown in the same area after 4 years.
During this period, other crops from the umbellifer family (carrot, celery, parsnip) should also not be grown in the same area. Parsley can be a preceding crop only for some winter vegetables such as garlic, lettuce, or spinach.
Sowing Parsley
Raised beds warm up faster, enabling quicker seed germination. A favorable spacing between rows is 25 – 35 cm, with 4 – 5 cm between plants in the row, requiring a seed rate of 4 – 6 kg/ha.
The sowing layer must be flat and have a fine crumbly structure. Seeds are sown at a depth of 1.5 – 2 cm. To increase the germination rate, calibrated and treated seeds (against carrot fly and fungal diseases) should be used. After sowing, the rows are lightly pressed with a suitable roller.
In continental regions, parsley can be sown from March until the end of April. In the Mediterranean region, sowing is possible as early as February. Parsley can also be sown in August, allowing for harvest in March and April of the following year; however, this parsley should be harvested before the flower stalk develops.
Leaf parsley is sown in the same way but with a higher seed rate, 7 – 10 kg/ha.