The choice of strawberry varieties accounts for 50% of successful production. Considering that today there are more than 10,000 varieties of strawberry, it is very difficult to choose the best varieties for cultivation.
The most important productive varieties are monoecious varieties, while nightshades (constantly bearing strawberries) are more suitable for amateur plantations.
Among the productively important monogamous varieties, the following are important:
Origin: This variety was selected at the Institute of Horticulture, Wageningen, Netherlands in 1975. It has been in production since 1982. It was created by crossing the Gorella × Holiday variety. Origin: This variety was selected at the Institute of Horticulture, Wageningen, the Netherlands in 1975. It has been in production since 1982. It was created by crossing the Gorella × Holiday variety.
Distribution: It is grown mainly in Europe. It is the leading variety in hydroponic cultivation in the Netherlands, Belgium and other European countries. It remained in production for a long time due to the quality of the fruits.
Type: Short day.
Plant: Elsanta is a medium-growing and sturdy plant, with an upright growth and medium productivity. It has good resistance to Botrytis and powdery mildew, but is sensitive to Verticillium and Phytophthora. It is also sensitive to frost.
Leaves: they have elliptic-rounded lobes, serrate edges, medium size, dark green color with a long petiole.
Flowering time: Medium early.
Flower: is large with well-developed anthers rich in pollen. Only the anthers of the first flowers are poorer. The flower is formed above the leaves, and has 5 – 8 round petals.
Ripening time: Medium early, on the continent from May 20 to 25.
Fruit: medium-sized, cone-round, regular shape, brick-red color and shiny. The top of the fruit is greenish to light red and hard. Sepals lie on the fruit. The petioles are long, so they tear easily during harvesting. The flesh of the fruit is medium firm, juicy, pale pink to red in color with a medium-sized cavity, sweet taste and pronounced aroma.
General assessment: Elsanta has a high market value, but it is more difficult to grow. Considering that it is sensitive to root diseases, it requires structurally light, healthy or sterilized soils, and it cannot tolerate wet and heavy soils at all. It is prone to attack by powdery mildew and gray mold. Suitable for different cultivation systems and programmed harvesting.

Origin: Italy, created in CIV in 2002.
Distribution: It is grown mainly in Central Europe.
Type: Short day.
Plant: Medium vigorous and medium dense. It is mediocre at productivity. It requires cooler climates and is suitable for continental Europe.
Leaves: Medium-intense dark green, elliptic-rounded lobes, saw-toothed, medium-sized and have a long petiole.
Flowering time: Early.
Flower: It is as high as the leaves or a little lower, medium-sized and rich in pollen. It has 5 to 8 round petals, and the stamens are normally developed.
Ripening time: 5 days before Marmolada.
Fruit: Elongated conical shape, bright red color. The fruits are large and uniform in shape with excellent organoleptic properties and have a sweet smell and taste.
General assessment: A very early variety, suitable for the climate of continental Europe, and represents an excellent combination of productive and commercial features. It is characterized by good vigor and shows exceptional tolerance to leaf and root diseases. The fruit quality is above average.
Origin: Italy, created in CIV, and put into production in 2000.
Distribution: It is grown mainly in Central Europe. It is a newer variety that is increasingly cultivated due to its later ripening period and high yield.
Type: Short day.
Plant: Strong and vigorous, high yield, resistant to cold and not susceptible to leaf diseases.
Leaves: They have elliptic-rounded lobes, toothed, medium-sized, lighter green in color with a short petiole.
Flowering time: Late and long.
Flower: It develops above the leaves, is rich in pollen and has strong petals.
Ripening time: Late, 8 to 10 days after Elsanta, 5 days after Marmolada.
Fruit: Large, conical, bright red and shiny. The flesh is bright red with a medium amount of acid and sugar and firm.
General assessment: This variety was tested in different areas and in all of them it achieved very high yields with extremely large fruits. It is sensitive to anthracnose. Among the later varieties, Raurica is one of the best alternatives for producers.
Origin: The variety was selected in Ferrara (CIV) in 1984, and has been in production since 1989. It was created by crossing the Gorella × Sel variety. n15.
Distribution: Grown in Central Europe. It used to be the leading variety in Croatia, but today it is grown less and less.
Type: Short day.
Plant: Compact, medium lush and upright growth. A high-yielding variety, resistant to low temperatures, slightly sensitive to Oidium, and the crown of the flower is slightly more sensitive to Botrytis.
Leaves: Dark green and never chlorotic. They are elliptical-rounded in shape, toothed, medium-sized and with a short stem.
Flowering time: Mid-late.
Flower: Elevated above the leaves, large, rich in pollen. Flowering is abundant and long-lasting with raised flowers. The birth rate is high.
Ripening time: 3 days after Elsanta (in the continental area from May 23 to 27)
Fruit: Medium-sized, regularly conical, red to brick-red in color, shiny, with sometimes slightly irregular first fruits. The top of the fruit is pointed and slightly flattened in the middle. The calyx is medium in size and does not separate easily from the fruit. The flesh of the fruit is orange-red to red in color, medium firm, medium sweetness and acid, weak aroma. The internal cavity is small. The fruits tolerate handling and transport very well.
General assessment: Marmolada proved to be a variety suitable for continental areas, as it tolerates low temperatures well. It is also suitable for different growing conditions, with the possibility of obtaining a second harvest in the summer. Seedlings of type A+ and “Waiting bed” give excellent production results in the off-season (autumn production in greenhouses, growing strawberries in the substrate). It is very productive with large, uniform fruits. Its biggest drawback is sometimes deformed fruits and sensitivity to anthracnose, as well as a tendency to attack by powdery mildew and gray mold. It is grown less and less because of the lower quality of the fruits.

Origin: This variety was selected in Ferrara (CIV) in 1984, and was put into production in 2001.
Distribution: It is grown mainly in the continental regions of Central Europe.
Type: Short day.
Plant: It is of medium luxuriance, upright growth and high fertility.
Leaves: They have elliptic-rounded lobes, a serrate edge, are medium-sized, medium-intense green color with a short petiole.
Flowering time: Mid-late, like Marmolada.
Flower: At the time of flowering, the flowers are at the level of the leaves. Each flower has 5 to 8 round petals, and the stamens are normally developed and very rich in pollen. Flowering is continuous.
Ripening time: mid-late, 1 day before Marmolada.
Fruit: Large, regularly conical, darker red, shiny. Fruit size is constant thanks to gradual flowering. Fully ripe fruits have a good appearance and organoleptic properties with a balanced amount of sugar and acids, and have an intense aroma. The flesh of the fruit is firm, red in color and sweet in taste.
General assessment: It has weak resistance to Botrytis and anthracnose, while it shows good resistance to other diseases. This variety is suitable for growing in continental areas. It is grown well in peat (hydroponic cultivation), with a strong second flowering with extremely high-quality fruits. It tolerates post-harvest manipulation well and is a suitable variety for programmed production.
Origin: The variety was selected in Italy in 1996 at the Instituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura-Sezione di Forli, by crossing the varieties Miss and USB35.
Plant: Medium-bush growth with plenty of leaves, uniform bush shape.
Leaves: Medium to large, toothed, bright green with a pronounced shine.
Flower: Located on the same level as the leaves or just below. There are 5 – 8 medium-sized flowers on the stem.
Flowering time: Early, like Miss, they bloom 6 days before Marmolada.
Fruit: Medium-sized (slightly smaller than the fruit of the Miss variety), conical to obtuse-shaped, tasty, bright red color. Uniform sizes until the end of the harvest.
Ripening time: The same or a day, two after Miss (5 to 8 days before Elsanta).
General assessment: Early variety for continental areas. Compared to Miss, it has much better organoleptic properties, smaller fruits (20-25 g), but that is why it is more productive.
Origin: The variety was selected in 1997 in Italy, at the New Fruits research center in Cesena.
Distribution: It is grown mainly in Central Europe, and most often in protected areas.
Type: Short day.
Plant: Pronounced lushness, medium height, upright growth, moderate productivity.
Leaves: They have elliptic-rounded lobes, saw-toothed, medium-sized, dark green in color and have long petioles.
Flower: Very large, at the level of the leaves. Flowering is abundant.
Flowering time: Early, like Miss, they bloom 6 days before Marmolada.
Fruit: Large and uniform, very regular elongated-conical shape, shiny darker red color. The flesh of the fruit is red, very firm, with excellent organoleptic characteristics, very aromatic. Nutlets (achenes) are at the level of the surface of the fruit. The calyx is slightly smaller and easily separated from the fruit.
Ripening time: Very early, like Miss.
General assessment: The variety is very interesting due to its extremely beautiful appearance and excellent fruit quality. Early ripening, extremely high yield and high average fruit weight are other important features of this variety. The elongated conical shape of the fruit is very attractive and interesting on the market. The plant is tolerant to most common strawberry diseases. The variety tolerates post-harvest manipulation well.
Origin: The variety was created in Italy in collaboration with several institutions in 1988, as a cross between the variety (Honeoye × Comet) × Dana.
Distribution: It is grown mainly in Central Europe. Once the leading early variety, today it is being supplanted by new early varieties.
Type: Short day.
Plant: The habitus of the variety is upright, of medium vigorous growth with a medium speed of growth. Gender is average.
Leaves: medium-sized, round or elliptic in shape, dark green, saw-toothed and have a short petiole.
Flower: is hermaphroditic. There are 6 – 8 flowers in bloom. The flower is medium long. The corolla is medium in size and consists of 5-8 wide and oblong petals. The calyx is small and smaller than the corolla.
Fruit: is large during all harvests, conical-elongated to egg-shaped. It does not separate easily from the sepals, i.e. the leaves. The surface of the fruit is uniformly orange-red in color and very shiny, and it remains so even after storage in the refrigerator. The primary fruits are rounded, and the secondary fruits are conical. The flesh is light red to pink, and the middle of the fruit is white. It has a fairly consistent and sweet taste, with a light, pleasant aroma. The heart of the fetus is well developed.
Flowering time: Miss blooms and ripens early, 5 days before Marmolada, i.e. at the same time as the Addie variety, which it serves as a substitute.
General assessment: This variety is characterized by early ripening, abundant yields and large fruits. It is looking for new, fresh, healthy soil. Its only drawback is that its root system is attacked by various diseases. In the open field, the fruits are attacked by various fungi, so special care is needed when protecting them.