Due to the presence of germination inhibitors in parsley seeds, germination is slow, often taking up to 30 days from sowing to emergence. Although germination can occur at relatively low temperatures (3 – 4°C), the optimal temperature to accelerate the germination process is around 18°C, with each degree above the minimum temperature speeding up germination.
To promote faster germination in early parsley cultivation when temperatures are still low, the crop can be covered with a Lutrasil (Agril) foil, which raises the temperature under the cover by 3 – 4°C above the outside temperature. Besides the increased temperature, this foil ensures optimal moisture, which is also crucial for seed germination.
Lutrasil Foil (Agril Foil)
The use of Lutrasil foil creates favorable microclimatic conditions for the plants. It allows light (80 – 94%), water, rain, and air to pass through while keeping out dust and other impurities. It also prevents the negative effects of wind on plants and soil and protects against insect and virus attacks. Lutrasil is UV-stabilized and can be used for two to three seasons if maintained properly. Additionally, it is highly elastic, making it easy to handle and install.
The pressure of the Lutrasil foil on plants is comparable to the pressure of water droplets, allowing the foil to be placed directly over the crops without the need for supports or tensioning, secured only at the edges to prevent it from being lifted and blown away by the wind. The soil under the foil warms up faster and cools down more slowly at night, reducing temperature fluctuations. Water droplets from irrigation or rain pass slowly through the pores and fall evenly on the plants and soil. This prevents the formation of a crust as the soil dries gradually. The air moisture evaporates slowly, preventing condensation, and the temperature under the foil can increase by up to 5°C. The foil accelerates vegetable production by 10 to 30 days.