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Eggplant Cultivars

Eggplant fruits can vary in shape, including long cylindrical, round-oval, and elongated pear-shaped. The color of the outer skin can range from deep purple with a strong shine (the most preferred in our market) to matte deep purple, and red-purple with a strong shine. The fruits can vary in size, ranging from small to large (50 – 1000 g).

In our region, common varieties produce fruits weighing up to 1 kg. The first fruits are usually the largest, and subsequent ones are smaller. The fruits are filled with flesh, a compact mass with barely visible segments containing seeds embedded in the tissue. As the seeds mature, the fruit transitions from physiological to technological maturity, at which point it has less technological value because the seeds can be a nuisance in eggplant dishes.

There are many varieties and hybrids of eggplants, each with different fruit types. The widely spread variety here is the medium-long domestic variety, characterized by oval-shaped fruits weighing 0.7 – 1.2 kg, with excellent yield potential. The plant grows to a height of about 60 – 70 cm and has 3 – 4 branches with large leaves and fruits.

Other well-known varieties include:

Delikates, Violet, Black Beauty, Bugarski 12, Izraelski, Plovdiv 43, Lunga Cannellina, Violeta di Napoli, etc.

Today, hybrids are also widely grown, but their seeds are imported as they are not produced domestically.

Hybrids yield 30 – 40% higher, and especially in early harvests, the yield can be 70 – 100% higher compared to traditional varieties – KLASIK F1.

There are many types of eggplants that differ in various characteristics, such as vegetation length, plant height, fruit shape, etc. The two most common types are Eastern and Western.

Eastern Variety – This variety matures early, with medium-sized fruits that are either egg-shaped or pear-shaped. Egg-shaped eggplants are a very dark purple color with soft, juicy, and fragrant flesh. Round eggplants with a smooth skin contain more bitter solanine. The cylindrical-shaped eggplants, which are evenly deep purple and elongated, contain a lot of seeds.

Western Variety

This variety matures later and produces larger fruits.

Rondona F1 – Suitable for cultivation in protected spaces as well as open fields. The fruits are 14 cm x 9 cm in size, oval-shaped, and weigh 260 – 300 g. The recommended planting density is 35,000 plants per hectare.

Rima F1 – A hybrid of the medium egg-shaped elongated type, suitable for cultivation in protected spaces and open fields. The plants are quite strong and almost thornless, with attractive deep purple fruits measuring 19 x 10 cm and weighing 300 – 350 g. The recommended planting density is 35,000 plants per hectare.

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