Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Cauliflower 5 Cauliflower Cultivars

Cauliflower Cultivars

Due to the increasing demand and the need for more intensive cauliflower cultivation, a large number of cultivars are available on the market.

Desired quality traits sought by consumers, and thus targeted in cauliflower selection, include:

  • Firm, white curd with a fine surface structure, and medium-sized heads (up to 1 kg).
  • Cultivars for processing are selected for larger heads, with easily detachable curds.
  • Resistance to diseases and adverse physiological disorders such as riciness, bract proliferation, blindness, and others.

Most cultivars originate from European ecotypes and are categorized into the following types:

  • Erfurt Type: Early, less vigorous cultivars with upright leaves. The curd is poorly covered by leaves and quickly changes color due to sun exposure. The curd is initially firm but soon becomes loose.
  • Alpha Type: Mid-early, more vigorous cultivar with a larger number of semi-upright leaves. The curd is less protected by leaves but is firmer and has a more pronounced bumpy texture than the Erfurt type.
  • Mechelese Type: Mid-early to mid-late cultivars with semi-upright leaves. The leaves are dark green with slightly curled edges. The curd is deep in the rosette, very firm with a more pronounced bumpiness.
  • Lecerf Type: Suitable for autumn cultivation; this type is vigorous with dark green leaves and distinctly wavy edges. The curd is flat, bumpy, and quickly becomes loose.
  • Autumn Giant: A plant type with upright growing leaves that well protect the curd.
  • Italian Giant: Winter and overwintering type with long, upright, smooth leaves that protect the curd well.
  • Roscoff Type: Vigorous type with bluish-green leaves and a prominent vein structure. Winter and overwintering type.
  • Romanesco: According to Černe (1998), these are cultivars with a semi-spherical, light green curd with prominent conical branches.

White Curded Cauliflower Varieties (Bejo Zaden):

VarietyDays from Planting to HarvestDescription
Stargate F172Hybrid for spring and early summer production. The curds are white, firm, and of good quality. The foliage is strong and upright, providing excellent self-covering.
Goodman75Mid-early variety. The curds are firm, white, and well-covered by leaves.
Flamenco F176Hybrid for summer production. The strong, upright leaves provide excellent protection for the curd. Not susceptible to riciness.
Jerez F180Hybrid for summer and early autumn production. The curds are white, very rarely riciness, of very high quality, and suitable for fresh consumption and industrial processing.
Fargo F190Hybrid for summer and autumn production. The curds are white, deeply set in the foliage, which grows upright. Excellent self-covering.
Skywalker F196Mid-late hybrid. It has upright and strong leaves. Attractive curds are deeply set in the foliage.

Green Curded Cauliflower Varieties, Romanesco Type (Bejo Zaden):

VarietyDays from Planting to HarvestDescription
Universal95For autumn cultivation. The leaves are dark green and upright.
Shannon100A Romanesco type cauliflower. Attractive appearance with a pyramidal shape. Very good taste. Suitable for autumn production.
Amfora F192A Romanesco type hybrid with a pyramidal shape. The curd is compact, and the leaves are upright. It is recommended to plant with narrower spacing.
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