Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Cauliflower 5 Conditions for the Growth and Development of Cauliflower

Conditions for the Growth and Development of Cauliflower

The minimum germination and sprouting temperature for cauliflower is 1 – 5°C, with an optimal temperature of 20°C, at which it germinates in 5 – 6 days. The most favorable temperature for the vegetative growth of cauliflower is between 13 and 18°C, while growth stops at temperatures below 4°C and above 25°C. Among all cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower is the least resistant to low temperatures, but it can be grown at altitudes up to 1700 meters.

In addition to temperature, good water and nutrient supply are important for vegetative growth. The most suitable soil for growing cauliflower is medium-heavy, structured, with good air and water capacity, and a neutral to slightly acidic reaction (pH 6.2 – 6.8). The soil’s pH level is measured with a pH meter, which indicates the exact pH of the soil. Cauliflower requires deep, warm, highly fertile, aerated, and moist soil, as well as high air humidity.

A mild climate with average daily temperatures not exceeding 20°C is ideal for achieving good results in cauliflower cultivation. For this reason, early summer cultivation is only possible in mountainous regions. In continental Croatia, cauliflower is grown in the spring and early and late autumn periods, while the Mediterranean area allows for winter cultivation of cauliflower. This demonstrates that cauliflower is available on the market throughout the entire year in our region.

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