Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Peas 5 Weed Control in Peas

Weed Control in Peas

To control weeds and create an optimal water-air regime while breaking soil crust, inter-row cultivation and the application of herbicides are used.

Herbicide Options for Weed Control:

A wide range of active substances can be used for weed control, including pendimethalin, bentazon, imazamox, cycloxydim, and many others. The choice of herbicide depends on the growth stage of the peas and the spectrum of weeds present.

Weed Control Program for Peas

Active IngredientDoseWeeds ControlledGrowth Stage
Metolachlor1.25 – 1.4 l/haAnnual grasses and some broadleaf weedsPre-emergence
Pendimethalin4 – 6 l/haAnnual grasses and some broadleaf weedsPre-emergence
Propaquizafop0.8 – 1 l/ha, 1 – 1.5 l/haAnnual and perennial weedsBBCH 12 – 14
Cycloxydim1 – 1.5 l/ha, 3 – 4 l/haAnnual and perennial weedsBBCH 12 – 14
Bentazon1.5 – 2 l/haBroadleaf weedsBBCH 12 – 14
Imazamox0.75 – 1 l/haBroadleaf weedsBBCH 12 – 14

Each herbicide should be selected based on the specific weed problems in the field and the growth stage of the peas to ensure effective control and minimize damage to the crop.

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