Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Broccoli 5 Protection of Broccoli from Weeds

Protection of Broccoli from Weeds

For the purpose of weed control and creating the most favorable water-air regime, as well as breaking the crust, inter-row soil cultivation is applied.

The first cultivation is done 3-5 days after planting, and the following ones after each irrigation. Inter-row cultivation is carried out until the rows close. In smaller areas, broccoli can also be hilled to form adventitious roots. Weeds in broccoli crops can be destroyed not only by cultivation and hoeing but also with herbicides. The control of broadleaf weeds in cruciferous crops is possible 7-8 days after planting (but before the weeds begin to emerge) using a preparation based on the active substance metazachlor (2-2.5 liters/ha).

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