krastavacpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj krastavaca
Conditions for Cucumber Growth and Development
Cucumbers can germinate in 2 to 3 days under favorable temperature conditions (25 – 35°C) and with sufficient moisture. If […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj krastavaca
Cucumbers can germinate in 2 to 3 days under favorable temperature conditions (25 – 35°C) and with sufficient moisture. If […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvorezidba krastavca
For a prolonged and quality harvest, continuous renewal of the plant is essential. In cucumbers, this is achieved through timely […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za sadnju krastavaca
In preparing the soil for sowing or planting cucumbers, organic fertilizers should be used. Manure should ideally be plowed into […]
krastavacnavodnjavanje krastavcapovrtlarstvo
Due to its large leaves, the cucumber plant has a significant transpiration surface, through which it loses a substantial amount […]
krastavacmorfoloska svojstva krastavacapovrtlarstvo
Cucumbers are annual, mostly monoecious plants with unisexual flowers, requiring insects for pollination. Bees are the primary pollinators of cucumber […]
krastavackultivari krastavacapovrtlarstvo
The main types of cultivars are divided based on cultivation methods and usage. Thus, we distinguish between cultivars for open-field […]
hranjiva vrijednost krastavcakrastavacpovrtlarstvo
Cucumber is the most economically significant and, therefore, the most prevalent plant species in the gourd family (Latin: Cucurbitaceae) in […]
kontejnerski uzgoj presadnica krastavaca u zasticenim prostorimakrastavacpovrtlarstvo
Seedlings can be grown on beds or in containers, with container cultivation offering several advantages, making it more commonly used. […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvouzgoj krastavaca
Cucumber cultivation in protected spaces is also possible without soil, using a hydroponic system. The substrates used in hydroponic cultivation […]
gnojidba krastavacakrastavacpovrtlarstvo
Fertilization of cucumbers is enhanced by using organic fertilizer on plots designated for cucumber cultivation. This not only provides essential […]
berba krastavacakrastavacpovrtlarstvo
Harvesting cucumbers begins at technological maturity, which is defined according to their intended use. Cucumbers for fresh consumption, known as […]
paprikapovrtlarstvozastita paprike od korovazastita paprike od stetnika
Protection of Peppers from Weeds Regular inter-row cultivation, either mechanized or manual (depending on the size of the production area), […]
paprikapovrtlarstvozastita paprike od bolesti
Several important diseases can occur during the pepper growing season, from planting to harvest. The most significant disease is pepper […]
paprikapovrtlarstvouzgoj paprike u zasticenom prostoru
Growing peppers in protected environments is quite similar to outdoor cultivation, but these environments allow for the control of microclimatic […]
paprikapovrtlarstvouzgoj paprike na otvorenom
With adequate basic soil preparation and fertilization, and after the soil is prepared for planting, as described in previous articles, […]
paprikapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj paprike
For normal pepper germination, an air temperature of around 15°C is required, while the optimal range is between 20 – […]
paprikapovrtlarstvopriprema tla za papriku
If there was no winter or early spring predecessor crop on the area designated for pepper cultivation, the soil should […]
hranjiva vrijednost paprikepaprikapovrtlarstvo
Pepper, a species from the nightshade family (lat. Solanaceae), originates from tropical America. According to Hazenbush, the center of origin […]
meduredna kultivacija paprikenjega paprikepaprikapinciranje paprikepovrtlarstvo
As mentioned earlier, indeterminate cultivars are grown in protected environments. These cultivars tend to branch heavily under favorable conditions (which […]
navodnjavanje paprikepaprikapovrtlarstvo
Due to the frequent use of PE film in pepper cultivation, the “drip” irrigation system is the most commonly used. […]
morfoloska svojstva paprikepaprikapovrtlarstvo
Pepper is an annual herbaceous plant. The stem is herbaceous (becoming woody at the base over time) and ranges from […]
kultivari paprikepaprikapovrtlarstvo
All basic types of peppers existed even before their introduction to Europe. The original cultivars had small, spicy fruits, and […]
kontejnerski uzgoj presadnica paprike u zasticenim prostorimapaprikapovrtlarstvo
Container-grown seedlings offer several advantages compared to those grown in beds, making this method more popular. Advantages of Container-Grown Seedlings […]
hidroponski uzgoj paprikepaprikapovrtlarstvo
In protected environments, peppers can also be grown without soil using a hydroponic system. The substrates used in hydroponic cultivation […]
gnojidba paprikepaprikapovrtlarstvo
In basic soil preparation for pepper cultivation, 20 – 40 t/ha of manure is added. If the producer cannot obtain […]
berba paprikepaprikapovrtlarstvo
Depending on market demands, peppers can be harvested at either the technological or physiological ripeness stage. Peppers are harvested by […]
povrtlarstvosalatazastita salate od korovazastita salate od stetnika
Lettuce Pest Control The most common species of aphids that attack lettuce are: Aphis fabae, Aulachortum solani, Hyperomyzus lactucae, Nasonovia […]
povrtlarstvosalatazastita salate od bolesti
The causes of these diseases can completely destroy the lettuce crop, prompting the use of various control measures. Young plant […]
povrtlarstvosalatauzgoj salate u zasticenom prostoru
A short vegetation period from planting to technological maturity, along with lower heat requirements, allows for the cultivation of 2 […]
plodored za salatupovrtlarstvosalatauzgoj salate na otvorenom
For sowing or planting lettuce outdoors, it is crucial that the surface (seedbed) layer is of fine crumbly structure. On […]
kontejnerski uzgoj presadnica u zasticenim prostorimamikroklimatski uvjeti pri uzgoju presadnicanacini uzgoja presadnicanjega presadnica do sadnjepovrtlarstvosalatauzgoj presadnica salate u kontejnerima
Growing lettuce from seedlings has advantages over direct sowing (which is rarely practiced) as it allows for better planning of […]
povrtlarstvosalatauvjeti za rast i razvoj salate
Lettuce is a plant suited to mild climates. The optimal temperatures during the vegetative phase for the development of lettuce […]
navodnjavanje salatepovrtlarstvosalata
The field water capacity for growing lettuce should not be less than 65%. Since lettuce has a shallow root system, […]
morfoloska svojstva salatepovrtlarstvosalatavarijeteti salate
Lettuce is an annual plant. Its roots are fleshy and branched, with the majority located in the arable soil layer […]
izbor lokacije za uzgojkultivari salatepovrtlarstvosalata
Lettuce Cultivars Head lettuce is the most commonly grown variety in our regions, with two main cultivars: Butterhead and Crisphead. […]
hidroponski uzgoj salatepovrtlarstvosalata
In protected environments, tomatoes can also be grown without soil, using a hydroponic system. The substrates used in hydroponic cultivation […]
gnojidba salatepovrtlarstvosalata
When selecting fertilizers for soil fertilization before planting winter lettuce seedlings, it is important to know that lettuce is sensitive […]
Berba salatepovrtlarstvosalata
Harvesting lettuce begins when the heads reach the size characteristic of the cultivar, are well-filled with inner leaves, and have […]
celerpovrtlarstvozastita celera od stetnika
Pests that occur in celery production are divided into soil pests and above-ground pests. Soil pests: grubs, wireworms, cutworms, centipedes. […]
celerpovrtlarstvozastita celera od korova
The choice of herbicides and their application time depends on the composition of the weeds (broadleaf or narrowleaf, annual or […]
celerpovrtlarstvozastita celera od bolesti
Diseases of celery that occur during the growing season include black root rot, powdery mildew, and gray leaf spot. Gray […]
celergnojidba celeraplodored za celerpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za celersadnja celerauvjeti za rast i razvij celera
If the soil intended for celery cultivation is low in humus, it is recommended to fertilize with manure at a […]
celernavodnjavanje celerapovrtlarstvo
If the soil intended for celery cultivation is low in humus, it is recommended to fertilize with manure at a […]
celermorfoloska svojstva celerapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj celera
Morphological Characteristics of Celery The swollen root of celery is used as a food product. It consists of the epicotyl […]
celerkultivari celerapovrtlarstvo
Within the varieties of celery, cultivars are selected for specific desirable traits based on consumer demands. Root Celery is the […]
celerkontejnerski uzgoj presadnica celera u zasticenim prostorimapovrtlarstvo
Seedlings can be grown either in beds or containers, with container cultivation offering several advantages and thus being more common. […]
celerhranjiva vrijednost celerapovrtlarstvo
Celery originates from the Mediterranean region and is represented today by wild celery (Apium graveolens var. graveolens). From this region, […]
berba celeracelerpovrtlarstvoskladistenje celera
If celery is intended for immediate sale, the leaves can be left intact. However, if it is meant for storage […]