patlidzanpovrtlarstvozastita patlidzana od stetnika
Protection of eggplant from pests
The most significant pest that appears on eggplant during the growing season is the Colorado potato beetle. Colorado Potato Beetle […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvozastita patlidzana od stetnika
The most significant pest that appears on eggplant during the growing season is the Colorado potato beetle. Colorado Potato Beetle […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvozastita patlidzana do bolestizastita patlidzana od korova
Protection of Eggplant from Diseases With proper crop rotation, soil disinfection in protected environments, planting healthy eggplant seedlings, and preventive […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvouzgoj patlidzana u zasticenim prostorina
Cultivation in protected spaces is quite similar to growing eggplants in the open field. However, protected spaces allow for the […]
patlidzanplodored za patlidzanpovrtlarstvouzgoj patlidzana na otvorenom
The planting distance depends on the cultivar (more or less vigorous) and the location where the eggplant is planted (warmer […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj patlidzana
Eggplant has a relatively long growing season and requires a frost-free period of 5 months and 3 months with an […]
gnojidba patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za patlidzan
If the soil planned for eggplant production has a low humus content, it is recommended to fertilize it with organic […]
hranjiva vrijednost patlidzanamorfoloska svojstva patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Eggplant is a tropical plant originating from eastern India, from where it spread throughout Asia, particularly in China, which is […]
meduredna kultivacija patlidzanapatlidzanpinciranje patlidzanapovrtlarstvo
Pinching – the removal of suckers – is a care measure in the cultivation of fruiting vegetables, which involves removing […]
navodnjavanje patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Due to the frequent use of PE film in eggplant cultivation, the “drip irrigation” system is most commonly used. Localized […]
kultivari patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Eggplant fruits can vary in shape, including long cylindrical, round-oval, and elongated pear-shaped. The color of the outer skin can […]
kontejnerski uzgoj presadnica patlidzana u zasticenim prostorinapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Eggplants are almost always grown from seedlings to avoid contact with low temperatures, which can inhibit their growth and development. […]
hidroponski uzgoj patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
In protected spaces, eggplant can also be grown without soil, using hydroponic systems. Substrates used in hydroponic cultivation can vary […]
berba patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvoprinos patlidzana
The harvesting of eggplants is done multiple times, typically every 5 to 10 days depending on weather conditions. Eggplants are […]
persinpovrtlarstvozastita persina od bolestizastita persina od stetnika
Protection of Parsley from Pests The most significant pests affecting parsley are the carrot fly (Psila rosae) and the swallowtail […]
persinpovrtlarstvozastita persina od korova
Herbicide application is essential in large-scale parsley cultivation because weeds begin to emerge before the parsley and grow faster, which […]
persinpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj persina
The minimum temperature for parsley seed germination is 3-4°C; under such conditions, it takes about a month for parsley to […]
persinplodored za persinpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za persinsjetva persina
Parsley is almost always sown directly in its permanent location. For later (summer-autumn) cultivation, it is sown in rows or […]
gnojidba peršinapersunpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za persin
Parsley does not tolerate fertilization with fresh manure and should be sown after crops that have been fertilized with manure, […]
hranjiva vrijednost persinamorfoloska svojstva persinapersinpovrtlarstvo
Parsley originates from Mediterranean countries, from where it spread to all the countries of southern Europe. Naturalists have determined that […]
navodnjavanje persinapersinpovrtlarstvo
Uniform water supply during the growing season significantly impacts the successful cultivation of parsley. During germination, optimal moisture in the […]
lutrasil folija u uzgoju persinapersinpovrtlarstvo
Due to the presence of germination inhibitors in parsley seeds, germination is slow, often taking up to 30 days from […]
kultivari persinapersinpovrtlarstvo
Two subspecies of parsley are cultivated worldwide today: (lat. Petroselinum crispum ssp. crispum) – leaf parsley and (lat. Petroselinum crispum […]
berba persinapersinpovrtlarstvoskladistenje persina
Root parsley can be harvested before reaching full technological maturity (when the diameter of the thickened root at the top […]
cvjetacapovrtlarstvozastita cvjetace od stetnika
Economically Significant Pests of Cauliflower The main pests affecting cauliflower include: Flea Beetles cause the most damage as adults (imago), […]
cvjetacapovrtlarstvozastita cvjetace od korova
In cauliflower cultivation, one of the primary goals is to eliminate weeds and create an optimal water-air balance in the […]
cvjetacapovrtlarstvozastita cvjetace od bolesti
The most economically significant diseases affecting cauliflower must be controlled during the growing season using all available protective measures. The […]
cvjetacapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj cvjetace
The minimum germination and sprouting temperature for cauliflower is 1 – 5°C, with an optimal temperature of 20°C, at which […]
cvjetacaplodored za cvjetacupovrtlarstvosadnja cvjetace
In well-prepared and moisture-saturated soil, cauliflower is planted at varying spacings depending on the cultivar’s growth habit. Crop Rotation for […]
cvjetacagnojidba cvjetacepovrtlarstvopriprema tla za cvjetacu
Cauliflower requires a substantial amount of nutrients throughout its growing season, particularly during the head formation stage, which lasts 25 […]
cvjetacanavodnjavanje cvjetacepovrtlarstvo
Irrigation before planting is only necessary when soil preparation is difficult due to a lack of moisture, making it hard […]
cvjetacakultivari cvjetacepovrtlarstvo
Due to the increasing demand and the need for more intensive cauliflower cultivation, a large number of cultivars are available […]
cvjetacakontejnerski uzgoj presadnica cvjetace u zasticenim prostorimapovrtlarstvo
Although cauliflower can be grown directly from seeds—a common practice in the United States—in Europe, it is primarily grown from […]
cvjetacahranjiva vrijednost cvjetacemorfoloska svojstva cvjetacepovrtlarstvo
Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.), originating from the Mediterranean and the Middle East, has been cultivated in these regions […]
berba cvjetacecvjetacapovrtlarstvoskladistenje cvjetace
Cauliflower is harvested manually by cutting the stem with knives, either with more or fewer leaves attached. On larger farms, […]
povrtlarstvorajcicazastita rajcice od korovazastita rajcice od stetnika
Tomato Pest Control The most significant pests on tomatoes cause large economic losses during the growing season. The most significant […]
povrtlarstvorajcicazastita rajcice od bolesti
Tomato Diseases: Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans), Early Blight (Alternaria solani), Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) Late Blight of Tomato Late blight, […]
povrtlarstvorajcicauzgoj rajcice u zasticenom prostoru
Growing tomatoes in a protected environment is quite similar to growing them outdoors. However, protected spaces, due to the ability […]
povrtlarstvorajcicauvjeti za rast i razvoj rajcice
The minimum temperature required for tomato seeds to begin germination is 13°C, although some cultivars can germinate at 10°C. The […]
povrtlarstvorajcicasadnja rajcice na otvorenom
Tomatoes form adventitious roots on the lower part of the stem, so it is advisable to plant them as deeply […]
hranjiva vrijednost rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
Tomatoes are originally from Peru (the Andes) and were cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico. The name “tomato” in many […]
povrtlarstvopriprema tla za rajcicurajcica
Since tomatoes develop deep roots and can utilize water from deeper soil layers, it is advisable to till the soil […]
pospjesavanje oplodnje rajcice bumbarimapovrtlarstvorajcica
In protected spaces, bumblebees are used to enhance the pollination and fertilization of tomatoes. Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) are insects that […]
njega rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
Pinching (or removing suckers) is a care measure in the cultivation of tomatoes and other fruit-bearing vegetables. It involves removing […]
navodnjavanje rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
Due to the frequent use of PE film in tomato cultivation, the “drip irrigation” system is the most commonly used […]
morfoloska svojstva rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
The tomato is an annual herbaceous plant. The majority of the tomato’s root system is located at a depth of […]
kultivari rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
“San Marzano” Tomatoes – These tomatoes are elongated and have a fleshy center with few seeds. “Cherry” Tomatoes – These […]
kontejnerski uzgoj presadnica rajcica u zasticenim prostorimapovrtlarstvorajcica
Seedlings can be grown in seedbeds or containers, with container cultivation being more popular due to its numerous advantages. Advantages […]
hidroponski uzgoj rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
In protected spaces, tomatoes can also be grown without soil, using a hydroponic system. The substrates used in hydroponic cultivation […]
gnojidba rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
Tomatoes are a crop with high nutrient requirements, both macro and micro, especially phosphorus at all stages of growth and […]
berba rajcicepovrtlarstvorajcica
Tomatoes for fresh use are harvested multiple times and by hand. The fruits are picked at the stage of technological […]
lukpovrtlarstvozastita luka od korovazastita luka od stetnika
The onion fly is the most dangerous pest affecting onions in our regions, typically appearing during wet springs. The most […]
lukpovrtlarstvozastita luka od bolesti
Diseases that pose the greatest problem in onion cultivation include: downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) and gray mold (Botrytis spp.). Other […]
lukpovrtlarstvouzgoj luka iz presadnica
Cultivars used for seedlings can also be intended for direct sowing, but growing them from seedlings ensures higher and more […]
lukpovrtlarstvouzgoj luka iz lucice
Onion sets are small bulbs grown from seeds, which enter dormancy very early (while still in the juvenile phase) due […]
lukpovrtlarstvouzgoj luka direktnom sjetnovm
Growing onions by direct sowing is possible only with an irrigation system in place. Soil preparation for sowing is described […]
izbor lokacije za uzgoj lukalukpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj luka
Onion seeds are rich in oils, which causes them to swell slowly, thus prolonging the germination process. The minimum temperature […]
lukplodored za lukpovrtlarstvosadnja luka
Crop Rotation for Onions Onions and other crops from the Liliaceae family should not be grown on the same plot […]
luknavodnjavanje lukapovrtlarstvo
Onions can be irrigated using sprinkler systems (commonly used after sowing to prevent crust formation), drip irrigation systems, or furrow […]
lukmorfoloska svojstva lukapovrtlarstvo
An onion can be a biennial or triennial plant. Biennial Cycle: Triennial Cycle: The root system is predominantly shallow, thick, […]
hranjiva vrijednost lukalukpovrtlarstvo
Onions have been used in human nutrition since ancient times. They have an aromatic smell and a strong, more or […]
Onion cultivars can be distinguished based on: In terms of purpose, onions intended for storage are bred for a longer […]
berba lukalukpovrtlarstvoskladištenje luka
Onions grown from direct seeding reach technological maturity by late August and September when there is a higher likelihood of […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvozastita mrkve od stetnika
The most important carrot pest is the carrot fly (Psila rosae). Other carrot pests include the carrot cyst nematode (Heterodera […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvozastita mrkve od korova
On larger areas, chemical weed control is an unavoidable measure, as weeds start germinating before carrots and grow faster, which […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvozastita mrkve od bolesti
The Most Common and Economically Significant Carrot Diseases Black Rot(Alternaria radicina) Black rot typically infects specific parts of the carrot […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj mrkve
For the carrot to transition from the vegetative to the generative phase, it must undergo vernalization during the juvenile phase, […]
mrkvaplodored za mrkvupovrtlarstvosjetva mrkve
Carrots are always sown directly in their permanent location. For later (summer-autumn) cultivation, they are sown in rows or strips […]
gnojidba mrkvemrkvaobrada tla za mrkvupovrtlarstvo
Fertilizing carrots with well-rotted manure during the autumn primary tillage is desirable as it provides essential nutrients and ensures favorable […]
mrkvanavodnjavanje mrkvepovrtlarstvo
Uniform water supply during the growing season significantly impacts the successful cultivation of carrots. At the germination stage, it is […]
mrkvanacini uzgoja mrkvepovrtlarstvo
Carrots are exclusively grown outdoors, although cultivation in protected environments is possible. Carrots grown in protected environments can be harvested […]
hranjiva vrijednost mrkvemorfoloska svojstva mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvo
The carrot is the most widely cultivated species in the Apiaceae family (Latin: Apiaceae). The ancient ancestor of today’s carrot […]
meduredna kultivacija mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvo
Inter-row cultivation of carrots serves multiple purposes: aeration of the soil, mechanical weed control, hilling (to avoid the occurrence of […]
kultivari mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvo
Cultivars are categorized based on the color of the thickened root. The most common are those with an orange color, […]
berba mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvoskladistenje mrkve
Carrots are biologically mature and ready for harvest when the accumulation of assimilates in the root is complete. At this […]
grasakpovrtlarstvozastita graska od stetnika
Peas can be attacked by various pests throughout the growing season. The most common pests causing damage are the black […]
grasakpovrtlarstvozastita graska od korova
To control weeds and create an optimal water-air regime while breaking soil crust, inter-row cultivation and the application of herbicides […]
grasakpovrtlarstvozastita graska od bolesti
Peas can be affected by several diseases throughout the growing season. Common diseases include downy mildew (Peronospora pisi), blight (Ascochyta […]
grasakpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj graska
Peas are a cool-season crop that thrives best in mild temperatures. Temperature Requirements: Temperatures above 25°C can be stressful, affecting […]
grasakplodored za grasakpovrtlarstvosjetva graska
Spring peas should be sown as early as possible, ideally in late February or early March. Crop Rotation for Peas […]
gnojidba graskagrasakpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za sadnju graska
Selecting a Location for Pea Cultivation When selecting a location for pea cultivation, it’s important to consider the type of […]
grasaknavodnjavanje graskapovrtlarstvo
In regions with rainy springs and soils that have good water and air capacity, peas are usually grown without irrigation, […]
grasakkultivari graskapovrtlarstvo
There are numerous pea varieties worldwide, with more than 4,000 existing and new ones being developed daily through breeding. Classification […]
grasakhranjiva vrijednost graskamorfoloska svojstva graskapovrtlarstvo
Pea (Pisum sativum L. ssp. sativum) is an annual herbaceous plant from the legume family (Fabaceae). It has high nutritional […]
berba graskagrasakpovrtlarstvo
Green peas are harvested at their technological maturity when the sugar content is around 5% and the starch content is […]
brokulapovrtlarstvozastita brokule od stetnika
In the production of broccoli, there are many pests that cause great economic damage during the growing season. The most […]
brokulapovrtlarstvozastita brokule od korova
For the purpose of weed control and creating the most favorable water-air regime, as well as breaking the crust, inter-row […]
brokulapovrtlarstvozastita brokule od bolesti
The most significant diseases of broccoli that occur during the growing season can significantly reduce yield and quality. The most […]
brokulapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj brokule
Varieties for winter and overwintering cultivation (longer growing seasons) must undergo vernalization for 2-4 weeks at temperatures below 10°C. Vernalization […]
brokulaplodored za brokulupovrtlarstvosadnja brokule
In well-prepared and moisture-saturated soil, broccoli is planted at various spacing distances depending on the habitus of the cultivar. Crop […]
brokulagnojidba brokulepovrtlarstvopriprema tla za sadnju brokule
Broccoli needs a lot of nutrients throughout the growing season, especially during the stage of inflorescence formation, which occurs 25-35 […]
brokulanavodnjavanje brokulepovrtlarstvo
This article describes the irrigation of plantations to ensure proper growth and development of broccoli, leading to a high-quality and […]
brokulakultivari brokulepovrtlarstvo
There are various classifications of broccoli cultivars. Classifications Include: Based on the Length of the Vegetative Phase: Specific Cultivars: Batavia […]
brokulakontejnerski uzgoj presadnica brokule u zasticenim prostorimapovrtlarstvo
Broccoli Cultivation Broccoli is primarily grown from seedlings. Depending on the planned planting time, seedlings are grown in protected environments […]
brokulahranjiva vrijednost brokulemorfološka svojstva brokulepovrtlarstvo
Broccoli comes from the eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey, Syria, and Cyprus), from where it spread to Italy around 1700 and […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvozastita krastavaca od stetnika
The most common insects found on cucumbers include the green peach aphid, California thrips, whitefly, and leaf miners. Among harmful […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvozastita krastavaca od korova
The use of black polyethylene mulch prevents weed growth, which can be problematic because there are no herbicides registered for […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvozastita krastavaca od bolesti
Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) Downy mildew is a common disease in cucumber crops. Infection occurs at temperatures between 16°-22°C and […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvouzgoj krastavaca u zasticenom prostoru
Cucumber cultivation in protected environments does not differ much from open-field cultivation. In protected spaces, cultivation typically involves using transplants, […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvouzgoj krastavaca na otvorenom
Cucumbers can be cultivated either by direct sowing in the designated area or by growing from transplants. Cucumbers are sensitive […]
krastavacpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj krastavaca
Cucumbers can germinate in 2 to 3 days under favorable temperature conditions (25 – 35°C) and with sufficient moisture. If […]