lukpovrtlarstvozastita luka od korovazastita luka od stetnika
Protection of Onions from Pests
The onion fly is the most dangerous pest affecting onions in our regions, typically appearing during wet springs. The most […]
lukpovrtlarstvozastita luka od korovazastita luka od stetnika
The onion fly is the most dangerous pest affecting onions in our regions, typically appearing during wet springs. The most […]
lukpovrtlarstvozastita luka od bolesti
Diseases that pose the greatest problem in onion cultivation include: downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) and gray mold (Botrytis spp.). Other […]
lukpovrtlarstvouzgoj luka iz presadnica
Cultivars used for seedlings can also be intended for direct sowing, but growing them from seedlings ensures higher and more […]
lukpovrtlarstvouzgoj luka iz lucice
Onion sets are small bulbs grown from seeds, which enter dormancy very early (while still in the juvenile phase) due […]
lukpovrtlarstvouzgoj luka direktnom sjetnovm
Growing onions by direct sowing is possible only with an irrigation system in place. Soil preparation for sowing is described […]
izbor lokacije za uzgoj lukalukpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj luka
Onion seeds are rich in oils, which causes them to swell slowly, thus prolonging the germination process. The minimum temperature […]
lukplodored za lukpovrtlarstvosadnja luka
Crop Rotation for Onions Onions and other crops from the Liliaceae family should not be grown on the same plot […]
luknavodnjavanje lukapovrtlarstvo
Onions can be irrigated using sprinkler systems (commonly used after sowing to prevent crust formation), drip irrigation systems, or furrow […]
lukmorfoloska svojstva lukapovrtlarstvo
An onion can be a biennial or triennial plant. Biennial Cycle: Triennial Cycle: The root system is predominantly shallow, thick, […]
hranjiva vrijednost lukalukpovrtlarstvo
Onions have been used in human nutrition since ancient times. They have an aromatic smell and a strong, more or […]
Onion cultivars can be distinguished based on: In terms of purpose, onions intended for storage are bred for a longer […]
berba lukalukpovrtlarstvoskladištenje luka
Onions grown from direct seeding reach technological maturity by late August and September when there is a higher likelihood of […]