celerpovrtlarstvozastita celera od stetnika
Protection of celery from pests
Pests that occur in celery production are divided into soil pests and above-ground pests. Soil pests: grubs, wireworms, cutworms, centipedes. […]
celerpovrtlarstvozastita celera od stetnika
Pests that occur in celery production are divided into soil pests and above-ground pests. Soil pests: grubs, wireworms, cutworms, centipedes. […]
celerpovrtlarstvozastita celera od korova
The choice of herbicides and their application time depends on the composition of the weeds (broadleaf or narrowleaf, annual or […]
celerpovrtlarstvozastita celera od bolesti
Diseases of celery that occur during the growing season include black root rot, powdery mildew, and gray leaf spot. Gray […]
celergnojidba celeraplodored za celerpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za celersadnja celerauvjeti za rast i razvij celera
If the soil intended for celery cultivation is low in humus, it is recommended to fertilize with manure at a […]
celernavodnjavanje celerapovrtlarstvo
If the soil intended for celery cultivation is low in humus, it is recommended to fertilize with manure at a […]
celermorfoloska svojstva celerapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj celera
Morphological Characteristics of Celery The swollen root of celery is used as a food product. It consists of the epicotyl […]
celerkultivari celerapovrtlarstvo
Within the varieties of celery, cultivars are selected for specific desirable traits based on consumer demands. Root Celery is the […]
celerkontejnerski uzgoj presadnica celera u zasticenim prostorimapovrtlarstvo
Seedlings can be grown either in beds or containers, with container cultivation offering several advantages and thus being more common. […]
celerhranjiva vrijednost celerapovrtlarstvo
Celery originates from the Mediterranean region and is represented today by wild celery (Apium graveolens var. graveolens). From this region, […]
berba celeracelerpovrtlarstvoskladistenje celera
If celery is intended for immediate sale, the leaves can be left intact. However, if it is meant for storage […]