Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Broccoli 5 Varieties of Broccoli

Varieties of Broccoli

There are various classifications of broccoli cultivars.

Classifications Include:

  • Shape of the Inflorescence: flat and semi-globular
  • Size of the Inflorescence: 10-20 cm in diameter and 100-600 g in weight
  • Density of the Inflorescence: denser ones are preferred
  • Size of the Buds: inflorescences with smaller buds giving a granular appearance are valued more
  • Color of the Inflorescence: the inflorescence can be white, green, pink, or yellow. Cultivars with green inflorescences in various shades (grey-green, bluish-green, dark green) are primarily grown
  • Length of the Main Stem

Based on the Length of the Vegetative Phase:

  • Early Varieties: form the terminal inflorescence 50-70 days after planting
  • Medium-Early Varieties: form the inflorescence in up to 100 days
  • Medium-Late Varieties: form the inflorescence in up to 130 days
  • Late and Overwintering Varieties: form the inflorescence in 200 days or more

Specific Cultivars:

Batavia F1

An early broccoli intended for spring and summer cultivation. The inflorescences are dome-shaped, medium-sized, and fresh green in color. It is used for fresh consumption. Matures around 65 days after planting.

Lucky F1

A medium-early broccoli for early summer and autumn harvest. This hybrid is high-yielding, with firm, round inflorescences of fine structure. It copes well with diseases. Harvested around 70 days after planting.

Belstar F1

A medium-early broccoli with beautiful, large inflorescences. The inflorescences have a fine structure, without leaf overgrowth. 73 days of vegetation.

Fiesta F1

A medium-late hybrid with dark green inflorescences. It has a strong stem and is easy to harvest. The inflorescences are nicely shaped, firm, large, and have a medium-fine structure. Leaves do not overgrow through the inflorescence, and it is resistant to poor production conditions. Matures around 80 days after planting.

Tiburon F1

A medium-late hybrid for summer and late autumn cultivation. It takes 82 days from transplanting to harvest. It grows very robustly and strongly. The inflorescences are heavy, firm, and dark green in color. The stem does not have cavities. Suitable for fresh consumption and industrial processing.

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