Homepage 5 Fruit growing 5 Apricot 5 The selection of rootstocks for apricots

The selection of rootstocks for apricots

The selection of rootstocks for apricots is still not well-defined, which leads to difficulties in cultivating and spreading this attractive fruit species. In Croatia, generative rootstocks are used more than vegetative ones.

In Croatia, apricots are most commonly grafted onto seedling myrobalan (P. myrobalana). This rootstock is not sufficiently compatible with apricots and is characterized by high genetic diversity, which often causes apricots on myrobalan to suffer from apoplexy. Myrobalan is a very vigorous rootstock, sensitive to low temperatures, and due to prolonged vegetation, apricots grafted onto it often freeze. For this reason, it is recommended to graft apricots onto white plum (P. domestica L.) at a greater height from the ground (80 to 100 cm). This rootstock is thorny, which complicates the grafting process. Among the white plum, good rootstocks for apricots include BB 1, GF 43, GF 1380, PENTA, and TETRA.

BB 1

An exceptionally good generative rootstock for apricots, especially for sandy soils. Apricots grafted onto this rootstock suffer less from apoplexy, produce more abundantly, and the fruits are of better quality and larger compared to other rootstocks. It is recommended to graft apricots 80 to 120 cm from the ground onto this rootstock.

GF 43

A moderately vigorous rootstock that does not produce root suckers and is more suitable for wetter soils. It is not infected with plum viruses.

GF 1380

A selection of white plum suitable for denser planting. It is not registered in Croatia.


A promising rootstock. It is resistant to calcium deficiency in the soil and ideal for plantations that cannot be irrigated. It is resistant to root rot (P. cinnamomi).


The best of all rootstocks for apricots. It shortens the ripening time by 3 to 5 days. It is resistant to root rot and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.).

Apricots can also be grafted onto various seedling types and apricot varieties.

Almond Seedlings

They have limited use due to incompatibility with apricots, so an interstock such as Luizet or Royal must be used. Almond seedlings are used as rootstocks for apricots for dry soils rich in physiologically active lime.

In the USA, apricots are often grafted onto vineyard peach, which produces early and gives good quality fruits, but unfortunately, the varieties on this rootstock have a short lifespan, are sensitive to freezing, and not all apricot varieties are compatible with vineyard peach.

Due to poorer rooting, rapid growth, and the risk of virus transmission, vegetative rootstocks for apricots are rarely used. Various types of blackthorn (P. insititia), domestic plum (P. domestica), Marianna plum (P. mariana), damson (P. damascena), and various hybrid types can be used.

It would be best to produce apricot rootstocks using micropropagation methods.

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