grasakpovrtlarstvozastita graska od stetnika
Protection of Peas from Pests
Peas can be attacked by various pests throughout the growing season. The most common pests causing damage are the black […]
grasakpovrtlarstvozastita graska od stetnika
Peas can be attacked by various pests throughout the growing season. The most common pests causing damage are the black […]
grasakpovrtlarstvozastita graska od korova
To control weeds and create an optimal water-air regime while breaking soil crust, inter-row cultivation and the application of herbicides […]
grasakpovrtlarstvozastita graska od bolesti
Peas can be affected by several diseases throughout the growing season. Common diseases include downy mildew (Peronospora pisi), blight (Ascochyta […]
grasakpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj graska
Peas are a cool-season crop that thrives best in mild temperatures. Temperature Requirements: Temperatures above 25°C can be stressful, affecting […]
grasakplodored za grasakpovrtlarstvosjetva graska
Spring peas should be sown as early as possible, ideally in late February or early March. Crop Rotation for Peas […]
gnojidba graskagrasakpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za sadnju graska
Selecting a Location for Pea Cultivation When selecting a location for pea cultivation, it’s important to consider the type of […]
grasaknavodnjavanje graskapovrtlarstvo
In regions with rainy springs and soils that have good water and air capacity, peas are usually grown without irrigation, […]
grasakkultivari graskapovrtlarstvo
There are numerous pea varieties worldwide, with more than 4,000 existing and new ones being developed daily through breeding. Classification […]
grasakhranjiva vrijednost graskamorfoloska svojstva graskapovrtlarstvo
Pea (Pisum sativum L. ssp. sativum) is an annual herbaceous plant from the legume family (Fabaceae). It has high nutritional […]
berba graskagrasakpovrtlarstvo
Green peas are harvested at their technological maturity when the sugar content is around 5% and the starch content is […]