patlidzanpovrtlarstvozastita patlidzana od stetnika
Protection of eggplant from pests
The most significant pest that appears on eggplant during the growing season is the Colorado potato beetle. Colorado Potato Beetle […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvozastita patlidzana od stetnika
The most significant pest that appears on eggplant during the growing season is the Colorado potato beetle. Colorado Potato Beetle […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvozastita patlidzana do bolestizastita patlidzana od korova
Protection of Eggplant from Diseases With proper crop rotation, soil disinfection in protected environments, planting healthy eggplant seedlings, and preventive […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvouzgoj patlidzana u zasticenim prostorina
Cultivation in protected spaces is quite similar to growing eggplants in the open field. However, protected spaces allow for the […]
patlidzanplodored za patlidzanpovrtlarstvouzgoj patlidzana na otvorenom
The planting distance depends on the cultivar (more or less vigorous) and the location where the eggplant is planted (warmer […]
patlidzanpovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj patlidzana
Eggplant has a relatively long growing season and requires a frost-free period of 5 months and 3 months with an […]
gnojidba patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvopriprema tla za patlidzan
If the soil planned for eggplant production has a low humus content, it is recommended to fertilize it with organic […]
hranjiva vrijednost patlidzanamorfoloska svojstva patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Eggplant is a tropical plant originating from eastern India, from where it spread throughout Asia, particularly in China, which is […]
meduredna kultivacija patlidzanapatlidzanpinciranje patlidzanapovrtlarstvo
Pinching – the removal of suckers – is a care measure in the cultivation of fruiting vegetables, which involves removing […]
navodnjavanje patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Due to the frequent use of PE film in eggplant cultivation, the “drip irrigation” system is most commonly used. Localized […]
kultivari patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Eggplant fruits can vary in shape, including long cylindrical, round-oval, and elongated pear-shaped. The color of the outer skin can […]
kontejnerski uzgoj presadnica patlidzana u zasticenim prostorinapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
Eggplants are almost always grown from seedlings to avoid contact with low temperatures, which can inhibit their growth and development. […]
hidroponski uzgoj patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvo
In protected spaces, eggplant can also be grown without soil, using hydroponic systems. Substrates used in hydroponic cultivation can vary […]
berba patlidzanapatlidzanpovrtlarstvoprinos patlidzana
The harvesting of eggplants is done multiple times, typically every 5 to 10 days depending on weather conditions. Eggplants are […]