mrkvapovrtlarstvozastita mrkve od stetnika
Carrot Pest Protection
The most important carrot pest is the carrot fly (Psila rosae). Other carrot pests include the carrot cyst nematode (Heterodera […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvozastita mrkve od stetnika
The most important carrot pest is the carrot fly (Psila rosae). Other carrot pests include the carrot cyst nematode (Heterodera […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvozastita mrkve od korova
On larger areas, chemical weed control is an unavoidable measure, as weeds start germinating before carrots and grow faster, which […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvozastita mrkve od bolesti
The Most Common and Economically Significant Carrot Diseases Black Rot(Alternaria radicina) Black rot typically infects specific parts of the carrot […]
mrkvapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj mrkve
For the carrot to transition from the vegetative to the generative phase, it must undergo vernalization during the juvenile phase, […]
mrkvaplodored za mrkvupovrtlarstvosjetva mrkve
Carrots are always sown directly in their permanent location. For later (summer-autumn) cultivation, they are sown in rows or strips […]
gnojidba mrkvemrkvaobrada tla za mrkvupovrtlarstvo
Fertilizing carrots with well-rotted manure during the autumn primary tillage is desirable as it provides essential nutrients and ensures favorable […]
mrkvanavodnjavanje mrkvepovrtlarstvo
Uniform water supply during the growing season significantly impacts the successful cultivation of carrots. At the germination stage, it is […]
mrkvanacini uzgoja mrkvepovrtlarstvo
Carrots are exclusively grown outdoors, although cultivation in protected environments is possible. Carrots grown in protected environments can be harvested […]
hranjiva vrijednost mrkvemorfoloska svojstva mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvo
The carrot is the most widely cultivated species in the Apiaceae family (Latin: Apiaceae). The ancient ancestor of today’s carrot […]
meduredna kultivacija mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvo
Inter-row cultivation of carrots serves multiple purposes: aeration of the soil, mechanical weed control, hilling (to avoid the occurrence of […]
kultivari mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvo
Cultivars are categorized based on the color of the thickened root. The most common are those with an orange color, […]
berba mrkvemrkvapovrtlarstvoskladistenje mrkve
Carrots are biologically mature and ready for harvest when the accumulation of assimilates in the root is complete. At this […]