brokulapovrtlarstvozastita brokule od stetnika
Protection of broccoli from pests
In the production of broccoli, there are many pests that cause great economic damage during the growing season. The most […]
brokulapovrtlarstvozastita brokule od stetnika
In the production of broccoli, there are many pests that cause great economic damage during the growing season. The most […]
brokulapovrtlarstvozastita brokule od korova
For the purpose of weed control and creating the most favorable water-air regime, as well as breaking the crust, inter-row […]
brokulapovrtlarstvozastita brokule od bolesti
The most significant diseases of broccoli that occur during the growing season can significantly reduce yield and quality. The most […]
brokulapovrtlarstvouvjeti za rast i razvoj brokule
Varieties for winter and overwintering cultivation (longer growing seasons) must undergo vernalization for 2-4 weeks at temperatures below 10°C. Vernalization […]
brokulaplodored za brokulupovrtlarstvosadnja brokule
In well-prepared and moisture-saturated soil, broccoli is planted at various spacing distances depending on the habitus of the cultivar. Crop […]
brokulagnojidba brokulepovrtlarstvopriprema tla za sadnju brokule
Broccoli needs a lot of nutrients throughout the growing season, especially during the stage of inflorescence formation, which occurs 25-35 […]
brokulanavodnjavanje brokulepovrtlarstvo
This article describes the irrigation of plantations to ensure proper growth and development of broccoli, leading to a high-quality and […]
brokulakultivari brokulepovrtlarstvo
There are various classifications of broccoli cultivars. Classifications Include: Based on the Length of the Vegetative Phase: Specific Cultivars: Batavia […]
brokulakontejnerski uzgoj presadnica brokule u zasticenim prostorimapovrtlarstvo
Broccoli Cultivation Broccoli is primarily grown from seedlings. Depending on the planned planting time, seedlings are grown in protected environments […]
brokulahranjiva vrijednost brokulemorfološka svojstva brokulepovrtlarstvo
Broccoli comes from the eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey, Syria, and Cyprus), from where it spread to Italy around 1700 and […]