European red mite
The fruit red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) has long been known as a pest of fruit trees, but it […]
The fruit red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) has long been known as a pest of fruit trees, but it […]
The codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) is the most important pest in intensive apple orchards. To control this pest, 1 […]
Crown gall of apple roots (Phytophthora cactorum) most commonly occurs on apples, less frequently on pears and stone fruit species. […]
Apple bark canker (Nectria galligena) is a very important disease of apples, originating from wounds. Disease attack Bark of branches […]
Brown rot of apple fruits, caused by Monilinia fructigena, is the most significant cause of stone fruit decay, primarily affecting […]
After apple scab, powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera leucotricha is the most common apple disease. It also damages pears, quinces, […]
Apple Scab on Leaves and Fruit – Venturia inaequalis, also known as apple scab, is the most important and harmful […]
Fire Blight of Apple (Erwinia amylovora) is a dangerous bacterial disease that affects not only apples and pears but also […]
Appleboskoopbraeburnfujiglostergolden deliciousgranny smithidaredjonathanmelrosemutsuPink lady
Winter apple varieties are late-season varieties that include some of the most recognizable types such as Golden Delicious, Idared, […]
Pruning apple trees is an important pomotechnical measure that may initially seem complicated and difficult. In this article, I want […]
AppleCloseDiscoveryJames GrieveJerseYmacLjetne sorte jabukaMentetStark EarliesSummerredVista bellaYellow transparent
Summer apple varieties include: Close, Yellow Transparent, Stark Earliest, Vista Bella, Discovery, Menteš, JerseYmac, Summerred, James Grieve, Akane, but besides […]
AppleAutumn apple varietiesElstarGalaJonagoldPrimaPriscillaSpartan
Autumn apple varieties include Prima, Gala, Priscilla, Spartan, Elstar, Jonagold, but in addition to these, there are many other […]
Applespindlespindle bushtraining system
Choosing the growing form for an apple tree isn’t easy, considering that the selection depends on several factors such […]
Applecultivation systemplantingsoil preparationvarieties
Ecological Conditions for Apple Cultivation Understanding how the yield and profitability of apple production depend on the ecological conditions […]
When raising modern plantations, the choice of rootstock for apple is reduced to reducing the lushness, which is achieved by […]
Appleapple productsmineralsnutrientsvitamins
Apple – Nutritive value and application – Apple is among the most widespread types of fruit; refreshing, sour-sweet taste and […]
Appledetermination of maturityHarvest
Apple fertilization is different for young plantations from fertilization of mature plantations. Determining the amount of individual plant nutrients is […]
Appledetermination of maturityHarvest
If someone decides to grow apples organically or to switch to conventional apple cultivation, they must first choose one of […]
Appledetermination of maturityHarvest
Determination of maturity Determining the ripeness and harvesting of apples is an important agrotechnical operation by which we harvest the […]