Homepage 5 Vegetables 5 Pepper 5 Pepper harvesting

Pepper harvesting

Depending on market demands, peppers can be harvested at either the technological or physiological ripeness stage.

Peppers are harvested by hand. Care must be taken during harvesting, as the branches are easily broken. The yield of technologically ripe fruits ranges from 15 to 60 t/ha, depending on the cultivar, harvest period, and applied technology. Peppers cannot be stored for long periods. At an air temperature of 7 – 8°C and relative humidity of 90 – 95%, peppers can be kept for up to 14 days.

The first peppers can be harvested as early as 50 days after transplanting. When harvesting peppers, care should be taken not to damage the plant. The harvesting period depends on the time of planting and the weather conditions that follow. Harvest peppers on a sunny day, after the dew has dried. Never harvest them immediately after rain, as wet fruits quickly mold and rot. It is best to harvest peppers with scissors. Never leave freshly harvested peppers in the sun for more than an hour. Fresh peppers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. They can also be frozen, pickled, or preserved in oil.

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