Hydroponic Cultivation of Eggplant

Hydroponic Cultivation of Eggplant

In protected spaces, eggplant can also be grown without soil, using hydroponic systems. Substrates used in hydroponic cultivation can vary in origin. Organic substrates include: coconut, rice husks, sawdust, tree bark, and pine needles.Inorganic substrates include:...
Eggplant Harvesting

Eggplant Harvesting

The harvesting of eggplants is done multiple times, typically every 5 to 10 days depending on weather conditions. Eggplants are harvested at technological maturity when the fruits reach a specific size, color, and shine. At this stage, the seeds are soft and white...
Protection of Parsley from Pests and Diseases

Protection of Parsley from Pests and Diseases

Protection of Parsley from Pests The most significant pests affecting parsley are the carrot fly (Psila rosae) and the swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon). Carrot Fly(lat. Psila rosae) The adult fly lays eggs at the base of the carrot root or in the soil. Once the...
Protection of Parsley from Weeds

Protection of Parsley from Weeds

Herbicide application is essential in large-scale parsley cultivation because weeds begin to emerge before the parsley and grow faster, which can hinder the germination of the parsley or “choke” young crops. The choice of herbicides and the timing of their...