Pruning apple trees

Pruning apple trees

Pruning apple trees is an important pomotechnical measure that may initially seem complicated and difficult. In this article, I want to dispel such myths about pomotechnical practices through a systematic and simplified approach, if they are standardized on the...
Summer apple varieties

Summer apple varieties

Summer apple varieties include: Close, Yellow Transparent, Stark Earliest, Vista Bella, Discovery, Menteš, JerseYmac, Summerred, James Grieve, Akane, but besides these, there are many more varieties that ripen during this time of year. CLOSE The variety originates...
Autumn apple varieties

Autumn apple varieties

Autumn apple varieties include Prima, Gala, Priscilla, Spartan, Elstar, Jonagold, but in addition to these, there are many other varieties that ripen during this period of the year. PRIMA High-yielding variety developed by crossing Malus floribunda 821...
Selection of apple tree training systems

Selection of apple tree training systems

Choosing the growing form for an apple tree isn’t easy, considering that the selection depends on several factors such as rootstock vigor, variety, soil fertility, mechanization capabilities, plot size, labor availability, and more. Since the onset...