Conditions for the Growth and Development of Lettuce

Conditions for the Growth and Development of Lettuce

Lettuce is a plant suited to mild climates. The optimal temperatures during the vegetative phase for the development of lettuce (heads or rosettes) range from 12 to 20°C. For germination, the minimum temperatures are between 2 and 5°C, while the optimal range is 15 to...


Lettuce belongs to the group of leafy vegetables in the sunflower family (Asteraceae syn. Compositae). It is mainly grown for its leaves, which are used in food. Lettuce is consumed fresh, raw (without cooking), as a side dish (salad) with various seasonings or...
Irrigation of lettuce

Irrigation of lettuce

The field water capacity for growing lettuce should not be less than 65%. Since lettuce has a shallow root system, only the top 15 cm of soil needs to be moistened during irrigation. Generally, lettuce is irrigated using a localized drip irrigation system, with pipes...
Morphological Characteristics of Lettuce

Morphological Characteristics of Lettuce

Lettuce is an annual plant. Its roots are fleshy and branched, with the majority located in the arable soil layer (30 cm deep). In the vegetative phase, the stem is shortened, but it rapidly elongates in the generative phase, reaching a height of up to 1.2 meters. The...