Irrigation of Broccoli Plantations

Irrigation of Broccoli Plantations

This article describes the irrigation of plantations to ensure proper growth and development of broccoli, leading to a high-quality and healthy final product. The care of plantations, including pest protection, will be described in a separate article. Pre-planting...
Varieties of Broccoli

Varieties of Broccoli

There are various classifications of broccoli cultivars. Classifications Include: Shape of the Inflorescence: flat and semi-globular Size of the Inflorescence: 10-20 cm in diameter and 100-600 g in weight Density of the Inflorescence: denser ones are preferred Size of...


Broccoli comes from the eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey, Syria, and Cyprus), from where it spread to Italy around 1700 and then to England. In the early 19th century, it began to be used in America, and its production became significant only after 1925. It was...
Protection of Cucumbers from Pests

Protection of Cucumbers from Pests

The most common insects found on cucumbers include the green peach aphid, California thrips, whitefly, and leaf miners. Among harmful insects, the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) poses the biggest problem in open fields and is the main vector of cucumber mosaic...