Conditions for Carrot Growth and Development

Conditions for Carrot Growth and Development

For the carrot to transition from the vegetative to the generative phase, it must undergo vernalization during the juvenile phase, meaning it needs to experience a specific period of low temperatures (1 – 10°C). If a prolonged period of low temperatures occurs...

Sowing Carrots

Carrots are always sown directly in their permanent location. For later (summer-autumn) cultivation, they are sown in rows or strips on a flat surface, while for earlier spring cultivation, they are sown on raised beds. Crop Rotation for Carrots Carrots are grown in...
Soil Preparation and Fertilization for Carrots

Soil Preparation and Fertilization for Carrots

Fertilizing carrots with well-rotted manure during the autumn primary tillage is desirable as it provides essential nutrients and ensures favorable soil structure. Soil Preparation for Carrots Primary autumn soil preparation involves plowing to a depth of about 25...
Irrigation of Carrots

Irrigation of Carrots

Uniform water supply during the growing season significantly impacts the successful cultivation of carrots. At the germination stage, it is essential to ensure optimal moisture in the soil’s seeding layer; otherwise, germination may be difficult and uneven. The...
Carrot Cultivation Methods

Carrot Cultivation Methods

Carrots are exclusively grown outdoors, although cultivation in protected environments is possible. Carrots grown in protected environments can be harvested as early as April, when they fetch a high price, sold as “young” in bunches. After harvesting early...